Have some fun Tonight! Let's make Truffle Popcorn!
Our PR person is always on a diet! So I make her Truffle Pop Corn Black or White doen't matter. They are all good!
First I add Wild Forest or MarDona - White or Black Truffle Olive Oil
Then Wild Forest Truffle Sea Salt - Black or White
WOW! What a SNACK!
And it keeps her mouth QUIET!

Oh Boy Do I Really Look Crazy?
Especially when I grill my favorite?
Truffle Honey Grilled Filet! (or any steak you like)
I just love the sweet honey taste mixed with the Wild Forest White Truffle Honey Melted over the nicely Grilled Filet
Honey Truffle Chicken & Onions |
I Just Love Chicken! What Can I say, Its Delicious
Especially when its made this way with Wild Forest White Truffle Honey
That sweet honey along with the truffle makes the onions and mushrooms just melt in your mouth.
A great dish for chicken lovers Onion lovers! OK Even Mushroom Lovers!
Its just really good 
Hey McDonald’s Try This Burger!
A Real Quarter Pound Burger
Blended with our MarDona Prickly Pear Grilling Sauce Grilled to perfection with some more Prickly Pear Sauce on both sides for more flavor.
Moreover, we have our own Secret Sauce! Well not so secret I guess
Just mix some Mayonnaise and Prickly Pear Sauce
Like making homemade Russian Dressing
And don’t forget the Truffle Fries!
Boy that is Good Stuff!
Bruschetta Mozzarella Panini |
This stuff is Fun to Do
Bite Size food stuff is cool for parties, snacks TV and easy to eat too!
Making these little sandwiches is easy, entertaining and delicious! And you can make any type of ingredient sandwich of what I call Mini-Panni
It's fun to do together or at a party
Let them come up with ideas! Those Lazy Bums
But I love Ricotta Cheese And nothing taste better than smooth Fresh Ricotta right out of the container!
I aint no snob, yes fresh is best. But not everyone can get fresh ricotta!
So its ok to get the store kind just make sure its is dated right
Go home open it and mix with our Wild Forest Truffle Salts and add our Wild Forest White Truffle Honey!
Hey you still there? What are you waiting for?
Hey, uh buddy Make me a little sandwich too 